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Design of the Incremental economic evaluation.

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posted on 2015-04-27, 02:45 authored by Elisa Sicuri, Silke Fernandes, Eusebio Macete, Raquel González, Ghyslain Mombo-Ngoma, Achille Massougbodgi, Salim Abdulla, August Kuwawenaruwa, Abraham Katana, Meghna Desai, Michel Cot, Michael Ramharter, Peter Kremsner, Laurence Slustker, John Aponte, Kara Hanson, Clara Menéndez

HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus; LLITNs = Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets; CTX = Cotrimoxazole; IPTp = Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in pregnancy; SP = Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine; MQ = Mefloquine. The figure shows that for both Trials the cost of LLITNs was not considered in the economic evaluation performed as women in both arms were administered with this preventative tool. The same applies for CTX in Trial on HIV-positive women. IPTp-placebo in Trial on HIV-positive women was considered as “doing nothing” option with no costs associated. Incremental net costs were calculated, which included the incremental costs of the intervention minus treatment savings due to its efficacy.
