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Dendrogram analysis based upon ThetaYC index of bacteria found on the skin of the 86 brook charr individuals.

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posted on 2014-07-28, 03:09 authored by Sébastien Boutin, Christopher Sauvage, Louis Bernatchez, Céline Audet, Nicolas Derome

Groups are defined with the Weighted Unifrac distance. The first and second groups are composed of closely related bacterial communities. The third group is an assemblage of dissimilar communities and is considered as an outgroup. The most differentiated groups are groups 1 and 3 (Unifrac Score: 0.710811, p<0.0010) followed by the distance between groups 2 and 3 (Unifrac Score: 0.685361, p<0.0010), and the distance between groups 1 and 2 (Unifrac Score: 0.401674, p<0.0010).
