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Demographic and clinical data, traceable for each individual patient.

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posted on 2013-11-05, 03:11 authored by Fahmy Aboul-Enein, Thomas Seifert-Held, Simone Mader, Bettina Kuenz, Andreas Lutterotti, Helmut Rauschka, Paulus Rommer, Fritz Leutmezer, Karl Vass, Agathe Flamm-Horak, Robert Stepansky, Wilfried Lang, Elisabeth Fertl, Thomas Schlager, Thomas Heller, Christian Eggers, Georg Safoschnik, Siegrid Fuchs, Jörg Kraus, Hamid Assar, Stefan Guggenberger, Martin Reisz, Peter Schnabl, Martina Komposch, Philipp Simschitz, Alena Skrobal, Alexander Moser, Mario Jeschow, Dorothea Stadlbauer, Manfred Freimüller, Michael Guger, Susanne Schmidegg, Claudia Franta, Vera Weiser, Stefan Koppi, Margret Niederkorn-Duft, Bettina Raber, Iris Schmeissner, Julia Jecel, Alexander Tinchon, Maria K. Storch, Markus Reindl, Thomas Berger, Wolfgang Kristoferitsch

A, patients aged 16 to 53 years; B, patients aged 54 to 83 years.

Note, the data of the two ‘AQP4-ab negative’ patients were also presented here in Figure 1 to ensure full transparency. However, both ‘AQP4-ab negative’ patients have no ID numbers. The ID numbers were reserved for the included ‘AQP4-ab positive’ patients. Both ‘AQP4-ab negative’ patients were clearly marked as ‘AQP4-ab negative’ and were also not included in further analyses (e.g. Figure 2).

Dashed line, lifespan; bold line, disease duration; continuous bold vertical line, publication date of Lennon et al., Lancet Neurol 2004; continuous dashed vertical line, start of AQP4-Ab testing at the Innsbruck Medical University.

White circle, unilateral optic neuritis (ON); black circle, bilateral ON; square, longitudinally transverse myelitis (LETM); triangle, myelitis less than 3 vertebral segments; white rectangle (brain lesion); black rectangle, tumor-like lesion; all ON and LETM (or myelitis) were treated with intravenous methylprednisolone (ivMP), unless otherwise indicated. A dot within a circle or square indicates that in addition to ivMP PLEX was performed; a solitary black dot indicates PLEX apart from a relapse straight cross in green, rituximab (RTX); straight cross in orange, natalizumab; straight cross in blue, intravenous cyclophosphamide (CTX) or mitoxantrone (MXT); oblique cross in red, peroral immunsuppressive therapy with azathioprine (AZA) and/or prednsiolone (PRED) and/or mycophenolate (MMF) and/or methotrexate (MTX) and/or cyclosporine A (CSA) and/or CTX; oblique cross in purple, intravenous immunoglobuline (IVIG); oblique cross in grey, interferon beta; oblique cross in yellow, glatiramer-acetate.


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