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Deficiency ED5438 uncovers the FoxP3955 self-learning phenotype.

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posted on 2014-06-25, 15:12 authored by Ezequiel Mendoza, Julien ColombJulien Colomb, Jürgen Rybak, Hans-Joachim Pflüger, Troy Zars, Constance Scharff, Björn Brembs

a, Genomic region of dFoxP gene. The deficiency deletes all exons of the dFoxP locus up until the 5-SZ-3955 insertion, which was used to generate the deficiency, as well as 52 upstream genes. ED5438 leaves the downstream gene hyperplastic disks (hyd) intact. b, Operant self-learning performance indices in a two-minute test with the heat permanently switched off immediately after eight minutes of training showed a significant impairment of FoxP3955/ED5438 flies compared to control animals in which either the deficiency or a Canton S chromosome was crossed over the 5-SZ-3955 insertion (Kruskal Wallis ANOVA, H(2, N = 52) = 10.13; p<0.007; two-sided, Bonferroni-corrected post-hoc p-values indicated in the graph).
