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DMSO pre-treatment modifies subthreshold intrinsic properties in CA1-PC.

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posted on 2014-03-19, 03:17 authored by Francesco Tamagnini, Sarah Scullion, Jonathan T. Brown, Andrew D. Randall

A) A scatter/box plot of zero current potential recorded from control and DMSO pre-treated CA1-PC. In this and all other similar plots, the symbols to the left represent data from individual neurones, whereas the box to the right plots the mean (central symbol) plus the upper and lower bounds of the standard error and the median. In this and all other figures data from control neurones are presented in black and data from DMSO pre-treated cells are shown in grey. B) A plot of the average voltage response to both -100 (downwards) and +50 pA (upwards) current stimuli applied to CA1-PC. The thicker central line corresponds to the mean whereas the two adjacent thinner lines represent the bounds encompassed by 1 standard error of the mean. C) Scatter plots of sub-threshold intrinsic properties derived from −100 pA stimuli applied at a fixed membrane potential of −80 mV. Two measurements of input resistance and sag are presented (see methods).
