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Consensus sequences and frequencies of human splice site regions.

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posted on 2015-06-24, 03:56 authored by Sara L. Ma, Virginia Vega-Warner, Christopher Gillies, Matthew G. Sampson, Vijay Kher, Sidharth K. Sethi, Edgar A. Otto

Pictograms representing the comprehensive in silico analysis of all human splice sites concerning 327,293 exons across 81,814 different transcripts among 20,345 human genes. A) Frequencies and consensus sequences of 15 human splice donor nucleobases. B) Frequencies and consensus sequences of 26 human splice acceptor nucleobases. Note, that the GT (+1, +2) and AG (-1, -2) positions adjacent to donor and acceptor splice junctions are highly conserved and nearly invariant. Consensus flanking bases are found at frequencies higher than expected compared to a random distribution. Frequencies of each nucleobase across various splice site positions are given in a table aligned with the respective bases in the pictograms above.
