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Cochlea defects in Dvl3−/−and Dvl3/LtapLp mutants.

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posted on 2008-11-14, 01:46 authored by S. Leah Etheridge, Saugata Ray, Shuangding Li, Natasha S. Hamblet, Nardos Lijam, Michael Tsang, Joy Greer, Natalie Kardos, Jianbo Wang, Daniel J. Sussman, Ping Chen, Anthony Wynshaw-Boris

(A–L) Confocal images (100×) of the surface of cochlear whole mounts isolated at E18.5 from LtapLp/+ (A,E,I), Dvl3−/− (B, F,J), Dvl3+/−;LtapLp/+ (C,G,K), Dvl3−/−;LtapLp/+ (D,H,L). Images show comparable regions in each mouse at the base (A–D), middle (E–H) and apex (I–L) of the cochlear ducts. In A–L brackets and arrowheads indicate the outer and inner hair cells, respectively. In A–H white stars indicate misoriented stereociliary bundles and in I–L dotted circles in the left panels outline regions presented in the right panels. (M–P) Light micrographs of the inner ears (top) and isolated cochlea ducts (bottom) isolated at E18.5 from LtapLp/+ (M), Dvl3−/− (N), Dvl3+/−;LtapLp/+ (O), Dvl3−/−;LtapLp/+ (P) samples. The yellow dotted line traces each cochlear spiral and the brackets indicate the cochlea portion of the inner ear. (Q–S) Confocal images (40×) of the surface of cochlear whole mounts isolated at E18.5 from LtapLp/+ (Q), Dvl3+/−;LtapLp/+ (R), Dvl3−/−;LtapLp/+ (S) mutants. Images show comparable regions in each cochlea. (T) Expression of Dvl3-EYFP transgene (green) and stereocilary bundles (red) in the vestibular utricle region of the inner ear. White stars indicate cells in which the asymmetric localization of Dvl3 is very clear. (U) Expression of Dvl3-EYFP transgene in the cochlear duct. Arrows indicate the polarized localization of Dvl3, towards the lateral side of the sensory hair cells.


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