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Bi-exponential fitting and pharmacological blockade of AHP responses in limbic pyramidal neurons.

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posted on 2014-06-05, 04:37 authored by Anup G. Pillai, Marloes J. A. G. Henckens, Guillén Fernández, Marian Joëls

A: AHP recording from a representative CA1 neuron (gray) and the fit (dark gray) overlaid with the extracted decay of the medium (black-dotted) and sAHP (black-continuous) recorded from the same neuron before and after Forskolin (50 µm, 15 min) application. Inset shows the current protocol used to evoke the AHPs. B: AHP recording from a representative layer 2/3 lateral OFC neuron before and after Forskolin treatment. C: The goodness of fit (R2) to the AHP response is averaged across CA1 neurons recorded from the vehicle (gray diamond) and corticosterone (black circles) groups. D: Goodness of fit to the AHP response from layer 2/3 lateral OFC neurons. E: Goodness of fit to the AHP response from layer 2/3 prelimbic neurons. F: Goodness of fit to the AHP response from layer 2/3 infralimbic neurons. Number within brackets in the legends indicates number of neurons.
