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Association of adhesion and a probiotic effect.

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posted on 2013-04-26, 00:45 authored by Peter Schierack, Stefan Rödiger, Christoph Kuhl, Rico Hiemann, Dirk Roggenbuck, Ganwu Li, Jörg Weinreich, Enrico Berger, Lisa K. Nolan, Bryon Nicholson, Antje Römer, Ulrike Frömmel, Lothar H. Wieler, Christian Schröder

X-axis: IPEC-J2 cells were incubated with E. coli over 2 h or 6 h. Adhesion was quantified after removing non-adherent bacteria by washing. Y-axis: EPEC infection rates were determined in an EPEC inhibition assay: E. coli were incubated over 2 h with IPEC-J2 cells. Non-adherent bacteria were removed by washing. Subsequently, IPEC-J2 cells were incubated with EPEC. After 6 h non-adherent bacteria were removed by washing. The EPEC infection rate was calculated in relation to EPEC mono-infection (no domestic pig or wild boar E. coli pre-incubation = 100%). Conclusively, a number below 100% indicates a probiotic effect = reduction of EPEC. Isolates from domestic pigs had a higher probiotic effect ( = higher reduction of the EPEC infection rate (p<0.05)). There were no significant associations between the adhesion capabilities of strains and their probiotic effects. *: Mean of EPEC infection rate.
