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Arterial carotid blood flow.

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posted on 2016-01-28, 12:36 authored by Kristina S. Sobotka, Stuart B. Hooper, Kelly J. Crossley, Tracey Ong, Georg M. Schmölzer, Samantha K. Barton, Annie R. A. McDougall, Suzie L. Miller, Mary Tolcos, Claus Klingenberg, Graeme R. Polglase

Mean carotid blood flow (CaBF; A), mean systolic CaBF (B), and mean diastolic CaBF (C) in lambs receiving 5 consecutive 3 s sustained inflations (multiple SI; ●), a single 30 s sustained inflation (single SI; ○) or conventional ventilation (no SI; ■) before the onset of ventilation (BV) and with the initiation of ventilation (designated as time 0). Data are mean ± SEM. * p<0.05 single SI vs multiple SI; # p<0.05 single SI vs no SI.
