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Array and scale formation.

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posted on 2014-02-21, 03:12 authored by Masaki Iwata, Yoshikazu Ohno, Joji M. Otaki

Also refer to Movie S4. (a) The hindwing basal region after the curling operation. The magnified area of compartment Sc+R1 in the subsequent panels is boxed. (b-f) Cellular changes over time. The small boxed areas are enlarged in the adjacent large boxes. Transparent non-aligned epithelial cells are observed in the early stage in (b). Vigorously moving tracheal branches are notable in (c), together with moving hemocytes, some of which are most likely macrophages. Later, the epithelial cells are regularly arranged, and scales grow, as shown in (d) and (e), which are seen as white objects that are increasing in size. Scale growth accompanies the increase in wing area in (f), which appears to be driven by the contraction pulses of the wing tissue. Red arrowheads indicate single cells or scales that are circled with dots. All panels (b-f) are shown at the same magnification.
