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Anti-DNase II polyclonal antibody detects recombinant and endogenous DNase II proteins.

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posted on 2013-03-14, 11:28 authored by Susumu Ohkouchi, Masahiro Shibata, Mitsuho Sasaki, Masato Koike, Paul Safig, Christoph Peters, Shigekazu Nagata, Yasuo Uchiyama

A, Mock transfected (lane 1, 3) or transiently transfected (lane 2, 4) 293FT cells with a plasmid for expression of the mouse DNase II protein with a FLAG-His tag at the carboxyl-terminus. The cell lysates were analyzed by Western blotting using anti-FLAG M2 antibody (lanes 1, 2) or anti-DNase II antibody (lanes 3, 4). Closed arrowhead; DNase II-FLAG-His protein detected by both antibodies, open arrowheads; DNase II-FLAG-His protein detected only by anti-DNase II antibody. Asterisk indicates non-specific detection of protein bands. B, Analyses of Con A-eluted fractions. Spleen lysates from DNase II+/+ IFN-IR−/− mice and DNase II−/− IFN-IR−/− mice were partially purified with Con A Sepharose. Fractions eluted with 0.1 (lanes 1, 6), 0.2 (lanes 2, 7), 0.3 (lanes 3, 8), 0.4 (lanes 4, 9), and 0.5 M (lanes 5, 10) α-methyl-D-mannoside were concentrated using a trichloroacetic acid precipitation, and the samples were analyzed by Western blotting using either the anti-DNase II antibody (upper panel), or anti-cathepsin D antibody (lower panel). Cathepsin D was used to confirm that a lysosomal glycosylated protein was extracted in the lysates and purified by Con A Sepharose. C, DNase activity of the eluted fractions. The eluted fractions from Con A Sepharose were directly assayed for DNase activity as described in the experimental procedures. N: negative control experiment without lysates.


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