posted on 2013-02-20, 07:17authored byHao Li, Wen-Zhong Liu, Pei-Ji Liang
A: Time-dependent firing rate decline of a dimming detector during contrast-adaptation (bin = 1 s). The dash-line indicates the separation of early- and late-adaptation periods. (E) = early-adaptation; (L) = late-adaptation; B&C: Receptive field area of the same cell in (A) was estimated during early- and late-adaptation, respectively; D: Area(E) vs Area(L) for 70 neurons; E: The average values of the receptive field area. Area(E) = 21.23±0.87 (a.u.), Area(L) = 16.53±0.59 (a.u.) (mean ± S.E., **, p<0.01, paired t-test).