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87Sr/86Sr ratios of human tooth enamel and bone from the cemetery at Szólád in comparison to modern vegetation, water, and soil samples from localities within a 12 km radius and from major geological units in the hills north of Lake Balaton.

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posted on 2014-11-04, 12:39 authored by Kurt W. Alt, Corina Knipper, Daniel Peters, Wolfgang Müller, Anne-France Maurer, Isabelle Kollig, Nicole Nicklisch, Christiane Müller, Sarah Karimnia, Guido Brandt, Christina Roth, Martin Rosner, Balász Mende, Bernd R. Schöne, Tivadar Vida, Uta von Freeden

Ranges I and II are derived from the data distribution of the tooth enamel of the children, illustrated in the kernel density plot (Figure 5). The data from Kestzthely-Fenékpuszta and Balatonszárszó were taken from [79] and [57] respectively (graphics: C. Knipper).
