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pntd.0005274.g002.tif (1.01 MB)

Zoomed in phylogenies showing relationships of Thai S. Typhi to global isolates.

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posted on 2017-01-06, 19:29 authored by Zoe A. Dyson, Duy Pham Thanh, Ladaporn Bodhidatta, Carl Jeffries Mason, Apichai Srijan, Maia A. Rabaa, Phat Voong Vinh, Tuyen Ha Thanh, Guy E. Thwaites, Stephen Baker, Kathryn E. Holt

Maximum likelihood trees including S. Typhi isolates from the Thai and global collections are shown, for each genotype that was observed amongst the Thai isolates. (A) Genotype 2.0.0 tree. (B) Genotype 2.1.7 tree. (C) Genotype 2.2.0 tree. (D) Genotype 2.3.4. tree (E) Genotype 2.4.0. tree (F) Genotype 3.0.0 tree (G) Genotype 3.1.2. tree (H) Genotype 3.2.1 tree. (I) Genotype 3.4.0 tree. (J) Genotype 4.1.0 tree. Colored branches and nodes indicate country of origin, according to the inset legend. Year of isolation is shown to the right; pink and red, Thai isolates obtained before and after the introduction of the immunization program; grey and black, non-Thai isolates obtained before and after the introduction of the immunization program. Thai isolates are also labelled to indicate their city of origin: L, Loi; B, Bangkok; S, Srakaew; N, Nonthaburi. SNP distances between isolates as well as AMR plasmids are labelled, with any resistance genes indicated in italics. Branch lengths are indicative of the number of SNPs.
