Public Library of Science
pgen.1009402.s007.tif (1.81 MB)

Western blotting of WAVE regulatory complex (WRC) proteins.

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posted on 2021-03-19, 17:36 authored by Kimia Ghaffari, Lain X. Pierce, Maria Roufaeil, Isabel Gibson, Kevin Tae, Saswat Sahoo, James R. Cantrell, Olov Andersson, Jasmine Lau, Takuya F. Sakaguchi

Nckap1l, Abi1, and HSPC300 expression levels in wild-type, nckap1llri90 mutant, and nckap1llri35 mutant larvae were analyzed by western blotting at 5 dpf. Whole-body homogenates of 5 dpf larvae were used. All WRC protein levels were reduced in nckap1llri35 mutant larvae, suggesting that WRC proteins were degraded. Tubulin blotting was for loading control. These experiments were repeated three times with similar results.

