Public Library of Science
pone.0210454.g007.tif (142.49 kB)

Western blot analysis of BBS1, Calml3, Dnmt3a, Oxct1 and Rictor of 12 days and 16 weeks old animals.

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posted on 2019-04-29, 17:27 authored by Heloisa Balan Assalin, José Antonio Rocha Gontijo, Patrícia Aline Boer

(A) BBS1 in LP-12d (n = 12) versus NP-12d (n = 12) and LP-16w (n = 12) versus NP-16w (n = 9); (B) Calml3 in LP-12d (n = 11) versus NP-12d (n = 8) and LP-16w (n = 11) versus NP-16w (n = 8); (C) Dnmt3a in LP-12d (n = 7) versus NP-12d (n = 5) and LP-16w (n = 7) versus NP-16w (n = 5); (D) Oxct1 in LP-12d (n = 13) versus NP-12d (n = 9) and LP-16w (n = 15) versus NP-16w (n = 11); (E) Rictor in LP-12d (n = 9) versus NP-12d (n = 10) and LP-16w (n = 6) versus NP-16w (n = 5). Data were expressed as the mean ± SD *Significant difference between week-matched groups (p ≤ 0.05).
