Public Library of Science
pone.0244894.g006.tif (2.53 MB)

Ventral and latero-ventral (enlarged) views, right side, of anterior portion of body.

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posted on 2021-01-20, 18:28 authored by Renildo Ribeiro de Oliveira, Jansen Zuanon, Lucia H. Rapp Py-Daniel, José L. O. Birindelli, Leandro M. Sousa

(a, b) Hopliancistrus wolverine, INPA 43731, 122.2 mm SL; (c, d) H. xavante, INPA 37616, 114.7 mm SL. AA- angulo articular, AP- autopalatine, APT- anterior process of compound pterotic, BO- basioccipital, CNB- connecting bone, D- dentary, F- frontal, HY- hyomandibula, IH- interhyal, LCS- latero-posterior connection strut, LE- lateral ethmoid, MC- metapterygoid condyle of lateral ethmoid, MCS- mesial connection strut, ME- mesethmoid, MED- mesethmoid disk, MP- metapterygoid, MX- maxilla, OP- opercle, OS- orbitosphenoid, POP- preopercle, PR- prootic, PS- parasphenoid, PT- compound pterotic, Q- quadrate, R6- expanded rib of sixth vertebra, SP- sphenotic, TPD2- transverse process of second dorsal-fin pterygiophore, TPWA- transverse process of the Weberian apparatus, VO- vomer, WCC- weberian complex centrum. Dashed circle indicates the extent of the nasal capsule.
