Public Library of Science
pntd.0006550.g001.tif (277.27 kB)

Venn diagram comparing the patient distribution of the 222 positive results of the transrenal DNA PCR, NEI ELISA serology and stool examination assays measuring Strongyloides stercoralis infection status.

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posted on 2018-06-01, 17:59 authored by Alejandro J. Krolewiecki, Artemis Koukounari, Miryam Romano, Reynaldo N. Caro, Alan L. Scott, Pedro Fleitas, Ruben Cimino, Clive J. Shiff

Venn diagram comparing the patient distribution of the 222 positive results of the transrenal DNA PCR, NEI ELISA serology and stool examination assays measuring Strongyloides stercoralis infection status.
