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Validation of the ploidy effect using endoreduplication-related Arabidopsis mutants.

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posted on 2017-09-19, 20:05 authored by Kensuke Kawade, Hirokazu Tsukaya

(A–C) Histograms of the measured size of the EPCs (red bars) and the estimated cell size distribution (black dots with dashed line) in cyca2;3 (A), rpt5a-4 (B), and rpt2a (C) mutants. The theoretical simulation was performed with t = 2.27 (WT), t = 3.23 (for cyca2;3), t = 3.98 (for rpt5a-4), and t = 3.77 (for rpt2a) using a fixed k = 0.5 for estimating ploidy profiles.
