Public Library of Science
pone.0211408.g002.tif (1.72 MB)

Topographic change of the shape memory polymer substrates.

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posted on 2019-02-13, 18:32 authored by Megan E. Brasch, Giuseppe Passucci, Anushree C. Gulvady, Christopher E. Turner, M. Lisa Manning, James H. Henderson

Optical micrographs of an active wrinkling shape memory polymer substrate (A) before and (B) after completion of formation of the nano-wrinkled topography employed to examine the temporal evolution of mouse fibroblast polarization. The direction of programmed tensile strain in (A) is horizontal, and, thus, the direction of wrinkle formation in (B) is vertical, as indicated by the double-headed arrow. Scale bar is 50 μm.
