Public Library of Science
pone.0184169.g007.tif (934.94 kB)

Time-history analysis of drag and lift coefficients (a-d) (Re, g) = (75, 6), (e-h) (Re, g) = (140, 6), (i-l) (Re, g) = (100, 5) and (m-p) (Re, g) = (120, 4).

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posted on 2017-10-05, 17:31 authored by Shamsul Islam, Ghazala Nazeer, Zhou Chao Ying, Ziaul Islam, Raheela Manzoor

Time-history analysis of drag and lift coefficients (a-d) (Re, g) = (75, 6), (e-h) (Re, g) = (140, 6), (i-l) (Re, g) = (100, 5) and (m-p) (Re, g) = (120, 4).
