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The sex-determining QTL in T. niphobles maps to a region distinct from the Amhr2 locus in the high-resolution map.

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posted on 2018-01-02, 19:05 authored by Risa Ieda, Sho Hosoya, Shota Tajima, Kazufumi Atsumi, Takashi Kamiya, Aoi Nozawa, Yuma Aoki, Satoshi Tasumi, Takashi Koyama, Osamu Nakamura, Yuzuru Suzuki, Kiyoshi Kikuchi

(A) Plot of–log10 (P value) versus chromosome position for association test using T. niphobles Family 3. Closed and open circles indicate data from paternally and maternally inherited markers, respectively, used in the initial analysis. Closed and open triangles indicate data from paternal and maternal inherited markers, respectively, added later. Bonferroni correction gave a significance threshold of–log10 (P) = 2.5 (blue vertical dotted line). The segmented bar next to the–log10 (P) plot illustrates the sequence map of fugu Chr19. (B) High-resolution mapping of sex-determining QTL. LOD scores are plotted in the linkage map of T. niphobles LG19. The blue dotted line indicates chromosome-wide significant (0.1%) levels of LOD scores, calculated from 10,000 permutations. The red line in the graph indicates the 95% Bayesian CI. Genetic markers are ordered based on both the linkage analysis of T. niphobles and their comparative location in the fugu genome. There was no discrepancy in their order at this resolution of linkage analysis.
