Public Library of Science
pone.0206838.g001.tif (858.45 kB)

The number of individuals screened, randomized, allocated and withdrawn from the trial and the number of samples analyzed.

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posted on 2018-11-29, 18:39 authored by Edna O. Viegas, Arne Kroidl, Patricia J. Munseri, Marco Missanga, Charlotta Nilsson, Nelson Tembe, Asli Bauer, Agricola Joachim, Sarah Joseph, Philipp Mann, Christof Geldmacher, Sue Fleck, Wolfgang Stöhr, Gabriella Scarlatti, Said Aboud, Muhammad Bakari, Leonard Maboko, Michael Hoelscher, Britta Wahren, Merlin L. Robb, Jonathan Weber, Sheena McCormack, Gunnel Biberfeld, Ilesh V. Jani, Eric Sandström, Eligius Lyamuya

The number of individuals screened, randomized, allocated and withdrawn from the trial and the number of samples analyzed.
