Public Library of Science
pone.0171508.g004.tif (133.45 kB)

The Neurog3 enhancer region contributes to transcriptional repression in alternative lineages.

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posted on 2017-02-22, 18:26 authored by Joris van Arensbergen, Sebastien Dussaud, Corinne Pardanaud-Glavieux, Javier García-Hurtado, Claire Sauty, Aline Guerci, Jorge Ferrer, Philippe Ravassard

qRT-PCR analysis showed that in E13.5 liver progenitors and embryonic fibroblasts from transgenics carrying the Neurog3 enhancer, GFP mRNA was significantly reduced. GFP transcript levels were normalized for Tbp and compared to the construct that lacked the Neurog3 enhancer region ([*] (P<0.05, Student’s t-test).
