Public Library of Science
pgen.1006931.g001.tif (3.03 MB)

The degree and prevalence of A-to-I RNA editing are dynamically affected by temperature.

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posted on 2017-07-26, 17:56 authored by Ilana Buchumenski, Osnat Bartok, Reut Ashwal-Fluss, Varun Pandey, Hagit T. Porath, Erez Y. Levanon, Sebastian Kadener

(A) Generation of editing list by combining the RADAR database (2,697 sites), Rennan's and Rosbash's datasets[11,32] (3,580 and 1,341 sites respectively) with novel hyper-editing sites detected by our method (30,190 sites). This resulted in a list of 32,974 unique sites, containing 11,097 editing sites in CDS. (B) Hyper-editing motif. The sequence near the hyper-editing sites is depleted of Gs upstream and enriched with Gs downstream as expected from ADAR targets. (C) Editing index, fraction of inosines among all expressed adenosines of all detected editing sites, show lower editing levels at 29°C. (D) Editing levels of significantly altered 55 editing sites in CDS. Each site is presented by a number which indicates its position in S1 Table. (E) The distribution of hyper-editing detected sites, shows higher number of sites found at elevated temperature. (F) Average hyper-editing events per detected sites. Statistical significance between 18°C and 29°C was assessed by Student-t test (p<10−4). (G) Editing cluster's difference between temperatures. Left panel presents the average cluster length for each temperature. Right panel presents the average unique number of detected editing-sites for each temperature.
