Public Library of Science
pone.0173037.g002.tif (360.25 kB)

Summary cross section of the central area of the rock-shelter.

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posted on 2017-03-03, 18:35 authored by Nicolas Naudinot, Camille Bourdier, Marine Laforge, Céline Paris, Ludovic Bellot-Gurlet, Sylvie Beyries, Isabelle Thery-Parisot, Michel Le Goffic

US- 101: Humic horizon on silty-clayey colluvium and modern anthropogenic filling. US-108: Scree of quartzite boulders in silty-clayey colluvium. US-104: Strongly developed colluvium (Bt horizon). US-102: Solifluction layer made of reworked lœss and small cryoclastic quartzite boulders and gravels. US- 103: Lightly reworked lœss (M. Laforge & S. Sorin).
