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Standardized solution of the confirmatory factor analysis for the Model 3.

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posted on 2016-03-03, 08:56 authored by Antony Chum, Anna Skosireva, Juliana Tobon, Stephen Hwang

GH1—General Health: rating of general health; PF2—Physical Functioning: moderate activities; PF3—Physical Functioning: climbing several flights of stairs; RP4—Role Functioning (Physical): accomplished less; RP5—Role Functioning (Physical): limited in the kind work or other activities; RE6—Role Functioning (Emotional): accomplished less (emotional problems); RE7—Role Functioning (Emotional): less carefully than usual; BP8—Bodily Pain: pain interference; MH9—Mental Health: calm and peaceful; VT10—Vitality: energy; MH11—Mental Health: downhearted and depressed; SF12—Social Functioning: health/emotional problems interfered with activities.
