Spectrin and laminin mean intensity in muscle sections of DMD, BMD and control patients.
Muscle sections were cut from two paediatric controls, two DMD and two BMD patients. Two biological replicate experiments were performed and for each experiment two sections per sample were stained with anti-spectrin or anti-laminin and acquired by the Axio Scan slide scanner. The Definens script extrapolated spectrin or laminin intensities for each individual myofibre identified within the section. Protein intensities data for spectrin (a) or for laminin (b) were grouped per category (CTR, DMD and BMD) as mean±SEM. The Mann Whitney test revealed significant differences between CTR, DMD and BMD for both spectrin (a) and laminin (b) fluorescent intensities (***, p<0.001). (CTR: control; DMD: Duchenne muscular dystrophy; BMD: Becker muscular dystrophy; SEM: standard error of the mean).