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Skin and liver expression of A-SAA in a mouse model of psoriasiform dermatitis.

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posted on 2017-07-14, 17:52 authored by Elodie Couderc, Franck Morel, Pierre Levillain, Amandine Buffière-Morgado, Magalie Camus, Camille Paquier, Charles Bodet, Jean-François Jégou, Mathilde Pohin, Laure Favot, Martine Garcia, Vincent Huguier, Jiad Mcheik, Corinne Lacombe, Hans Yssel, Gérard Guillet, François-Xavier Bernard, Jean-Claude Lecron

C57BL/6 mice were treated daily during six days with imiquimod 5% cream (IMQ), with Vaseline (VAS) or were not treated (NT). (A) SAA1/2 and (B) SAA3 mRNA expression was determined by RT-qPCR. All data represent mean ± SEM relative expression to GAPDH. Statistical comparisons were performed using t test (*p<0.05; **p<0.01; ns, non-significant).
