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Separation of targeted particles from droplets and analysis of efficacy.

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posted on 2017-03-10, 18:37 authored by Sida Wang, Ki-Joo Sung, Xiaoxia Nina Lin, Mark A. Burns

(A) Number of the targeted particles bound onto the streptavidin beads. (B) Number of the non-targeted particles bound onto the streptavidin beads. All ratios shown are ratio of targeted to non-targeted particles in individual droplets. (C) Specificity of binding the target particles to the streptavidin beads. Specific recovery determined by final number of targeted particles bound compared to the total number of particles bound. (D) Yield of the number of targeted particles bound to streptavidin beads. Yield determined by the final number of targeted particles bound compared to initial number of targeted particles in the droplet. A total of ten droplets were separated for replicates. All error are standard error.
