Public Library of Science
pbio.3000733.g002.tif (1.54 MB)

Rest-task modulation of global signal topography.

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posted on 2020-07-10, 17:39 authored by Jianfeng Zhang, Zirui Huang, Shankar Tumati, Georg Northoff

(A) Overall GSCORR in day 1 (REST1) and day 2 (REST2) resting state and seven tasks. (B) Grayordinate-based group comparison for GSCORR. The maps were tested with paired t tests between task and rest, thresholded at Bonferroni-corrected α < 0.01, and illustrated by Cohen’s d to inspect the effect size. (C) Top panel: the overlapping map across the seven tasks illustrated the counted number of each grayordinate showing decrease (left), unchanged (middle), and increase (right) in the tasks when comparing with rest at the level of Bonferroni-corrected α < 0.01. Bottom panel illustrated the percentage of grayordinates for each counted number in the overlapping maps. ***p < 0.001. Data are available at Dryad: GSCORR, global signal correlation; n.s., not significant; WM, working memory.
