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Fig 5.tif (234.26 kB)

Relative expression of different genes of the mucosa and muscularis mucosa (= mucosa), and submucosa and muscularis externa (= submucosa) of Infliximab naïve patients compared to Infliximab failure patients.

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posted on 2018-01-24, 18:35 authored by Jessica R. de Bruyn, Marte A. Becker, Jessica Steenkamer, Manon E. Wildenberg, Sybren L. Meijer, Christianne J. Buskens, Willem A. Bemelman, Mark Löwenberg, Cyriel Y. Ponsioen, Gijs R. van den Brink, Geert R. D’Haens

IFX: Infliximab, 36B4: Acidic Ribosomal Protein 36B4; ED-A: Extra Domain A; PCOLN3: procollagen peptidase; ACTA2: alpha smooth muscle actin; TGFB1: transforming growth factor beta 1. *** p = <0.001. All gene expressions are normalized against 36B4 as housekeeping gene.
