Public Library of Science
pone.0255925.s002.tif (1.02 MB)

Protein gels and corresponding western blots of purified recombinant proteins.

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posted on 2021-08-13, 17:35 authored by Janine Hofmann, Mebratu A. Bitew, Miku Kuba, David P. De Souza, Hayley J. Newton, Fiona M. Sansom

(A) Protein gel (left) and corresponding western blot (right) probed for GST showing purified 6 μg GST-CBU1241 and 2 μg GST proteins of approximately expected size, 61.5 kDa and 26 kDa respectively. (B) Protein gel (left) and corresponding western blot (right) probed for 6xHis-tag showing purified 4 μg 6xHis-CBU0823 and 1 μg 6xHis-oMLE, each of the approximately expected sizes of 63.5 kDa and 62.3 kDa respectively, and the lack of detectable 6xHis-tagged product in the mock purification negative control. (C) Western blot probed for 3xFLAG of C. burnetii 0823::Tn pFLAG-CBU0823 whole cell lysate showing C. burnetii expressing a protein product of approximately expected size, 64.5 kDa, from the complementation plasmid. The marker shown is from the corresponding stain-free protein gel.

