Public Library of Science
pone.0277692.g001.tif (699.29 kB)

Protective effect against high-fat diet obesity of rebamipide.

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posted on 2022-12-27, 18:31 authored by JooYeon Jhun, Jeonghyeon Moon, Se-Young Kim, Keun-Hyung Cho, Hyun Sik Na, JeongWon Choi, Yoon Ju Jung, Kyo Young Song, Jun-Ki Min, Mi-La Cho

(A) Body weight and the ratio of increased weight of body weight were presented for 11 weeks. (B) Food intake in the rebamipide treatment group and vehicle group. (C) The subcutaneous fat and epididymal fat at the end of the experiment after 100mg/kg of rebamipide treatment. (D) H&E images of epididymal adipose tissues showed the crown-like structure, diameter, and size of adipocytes. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.005.
