Public Library of Science
pntd.0006112.g001.tif (427.52 kB)

Profile of the 77 TDR trainees who responded to the survey.

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posted on 2017-12-07, 18:59 authored by Béatrice Halpaap, Mahnaz Vahedi, Edith Certain, Tini Alvarado, Caroline Saint Martin, Corinne Merle, Michael Mihut, Pascal Launois

(A) geographic distribution by WHO region (AFR for African region; AMR for region of the Americas, SEAR for South East Asia region, EMR for Eastern Mediterranean region and WPR for Western Pacific region); (B, C) gender distribution in total and by WHO region, respectively; (D) use of language in AFR; (E) employment status of trainees by function (E1), and by nature (E2 and E3).
