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Plasma levels of markers of endotoxemia and intestinal permeability across the different histological subgroups of patients.

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posted on 2016-12-19, 18:30 authored by Johannie du Plessis, Hannelie Korf, Jos van Pelt, Petra Windmolders, Ingrid Vander Elst, An Verrijken, Guy Hubens, Luc Van Gaal, David Cassiman, Frederik Nevens, Sven Francque, Schalk van der Merwe

Five out of six markers investigated (with exception of iFABP), the concentrations in the lean controls was significantly lower than in the NAFLD subgroups. For 4 markers (LPS, iFABP, TLR2 and TLR4) plasma levels in cirrhosis patients was significantly different from NAFLD subgroups. Brackets indicate that analysis of multiple subgroups with cirrhosis or lean group (as indicated) was statistically relevant for each subgroup separately. When comparison was made between the groups included in the brackets there was no statistical difference (Kruskal-Wallis One Way Analysis of Variance on Ranks). Only if p < 0.05, this was considered significant and indicated in the figures.
