Public Library of Science
pone.0207615.g002.tif (1.63 MB)

Phylogenetic relationships of Rubieae inferred from Bayesian analysis with a relaxed clock of molecular data from the reduced data set:

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posted on 2018-12-05, 21:09 authored by Friedrich Ehrendorfer, Michael H. J. Barfuss, Jean-Francois Manen, Gerald M. Schneeweiss

The Galium Clade. Shown is the 50% majority rule consensus tree; values above branches are posterior probabilities of at least 0.5 from a Bayesian analysis with molecular data only and values below branches are posterior probabilities of at least 0.5 from a Bayesian analysis with combined data (molecular data, trait data, biogeographical data). The Roman numeral indicates clade designation used by Ehrendorfer and Barfuss [12]. Abbreviations of the major clade: Ga, Galium Clade.
