Public Library of Science
pone.0200494.g003.tif (2.06 MB)

Phylogenetic relationships among pharyngodonid nematodes parasitic in reptiles.

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posted on 2018-07-11, 17:48 authored by Felipe Bisaggio Pereira, José Luis Luque, Luiz Eduardo Roland Tavares

(A) Tree generated using Bayesian inference of the concatenated sequences of 18S and 28S rDNA; full and empty circles indicate nodal support > 0.96 and > 0.80, respectively, for Bayesian posterior probability (4 × 106 generations, sampling frequency = 4 × 103, burn-in = 1 × 106) and > 96 and > 80, respectively, for maximum likelihood bootstrap (1000 replications). (B) Tree generated using maximum parsimony of the combined data from morphological-life history and molecular datasets (2423 characters, 274 parsimony informative, CI 0.786); full and empty circles indicate bootstrap support > 96 and > 80, respectively (2,000 replications); life history and morphological traits are mapped and labelled in details. Specimen in bold is from the present study.
