Public Library of Science
pone.0231488.g005.tif (1.68 MB)

Photoacoustic imaging to localize indeterminate pulmonary nodules: A preclinical study - Fig 5

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posted on 2020-04-21, 20:30 authored by Chang Young Lee, Kosuke Fujino, Yamato Motooka, Alexander Gregor, Nicholas Bernards, Hideki Ujiie, Tomonari Kinoshita, Kyung Young Chung, Seung Hee Han, Kazuhiro Yasufuku

A. PA spectrogram obtained from ICG-agar 48hr after injection in mice lung. B. Transverse overlay image of mice lung with injected ICG-agar. C. 3D rendered image of mice lung with injected ICG-agar.
