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PDR temporal trends.

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posted on 2016-10-13, 17:30 authored by Santiago Avila-Ríos, Claudia García-Morales, Margarita Matías-Florentino, Daniela Tapia-Trejo, Bismarck F. Hernández-Álvarez, Sumaya E. Moreira-López, Carlos J. Quant-Durán, Guillermo Porras-Cortés, Gustavo Reyes-Terán

PDR was estimated by year of enrolment using the HIVdb tool from Sanger sequences. Individuals with drug resistance were defined as those with at least low-level resistance (Stanford penalty score ≥15) to any drug of the corresponding class. A. PDR temporal trends by drug class. B. PDR temporal trends for the most widely used antiretroviral regimens in Nicaragua. C-E PDR temporal trends by drug, divided by drug class; only drugs currently used in clinical practice in the Nicaraguan context are shown. *p<0.05; linear regression, slope different to 0; the color corresponds to the significant category.
