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Microvessel density of VLN flaps after IR injury.

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posted on 2020-10-06, 17:27 authored by Florian S. Frueh, Bijan Jelvani, Claudia Scheuer, Christina Körbel, Bong-Sung Kim, Pietro Giovanoli, Nicole Lindenblatt, Yves Harder, Emmanuel Ampofo, Michael D. Menger, Matthias W. Laschke

A-D Immunohistochemical sections of control (A and B), IR-45 (C) and IR-120 (D) VLN flaps illustrating CD31+ microvessels (arrowheads) in lymph nodes. B (insert of A) CD31+ paracortical microvessels (arrowheads). Dashed arrows in D = local hemorrhages. E Lymph node microvessel density (mm-2). Mean ± SEM, n = 7–8, **P < 0.001. F-H Immunohistochemical sections of control (F), IR-45 (G) and IR-120 (H) VLN flaps illustrating CD31+ microvessels (arrowheads) in the perinodal adipose tissue. I Adipose tissue microvessel density (mm-2). Mean ± SEM, n = 7–8, *P < 0.05. Scale bars: A, C and D = 250 μm, B = 40 μm, F-H = 60 μm. VLN = vascularized lymph node.
