Public Library of Science
Fig 4.TIF (4.58 MB)

Maximum likelihood phylogeny of the ST131 core genome, with gene regulatory region allele profiles overlaid.

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posted on 2016-09-12, 17:32 authored by Alan McNally, Yaara Oren, Darren Kelly, Ben Pascoe, Steven Dunn, Tristan Sreecharan, Minna Vehkala, Niko Välimäki, Michael B. Prentice, Amgad Ashour, Oren Avram, Tal Pupko, Ulrich Dobrindt, Ivan Literak, Sebastian Guenther, Katharina Schaufler, Lothar H. Wieler, Zong Zhiyong, Samuel K. Sheppard, James O. McInerney, Jukka Corander

Clades A, B and C are colour coded by branch (blue, cyan, and magenta respectively). The gene regulatory region allele profiles are presented as a heatmap (red = high identity to blue = low identity) of pairwise Spearman correlations of the regulatory region alleles between each strain, such that warmer colours indicate subsets of isolates with substantially more similar regulatory region alleles between them than on average between randomly chosen isolates. The colour coding to the right indicates the accessory genome cluster of each strain as determined by Kpax2.
