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Manhattan and QQ plot of joint age-stratified 2df P-values.

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posted on 2018-03-12, 17:51 authored by Thomas W. Winkler, Caroline Brandl, Felix Grassmann, Mathias Gorski, Klaus Stark, Julika Loss, Bernhard H. F. Weber, Iris M. Heid

Shown are the age-joint P-Values (PAgejoint) for late AMD by their position on the genome (Manhattan plot) as well as their distribution (QQ plot). In the Manhattan plot, the 34 known genetic regions identified by Fritsche et al [13] are colored blue and additional genome-wide significant signals are colored red. The QQ plot shows the distribution of PAgejoint including all variants (black) as well as after exclusion of known loci (34 variants +/-500kb, red).
