posted on 2019-10-24, 20:09authored byShraddha Tuladhar, Joshua A. Kochanowsky, Apoorva Bhaskara, Yarah Ghotmi, Sambamurthy Chandrasekaran, Anita A. Koshy
At 5, 10, and 21 dpi, immune cells were isolated from the spleen of either type II- or type III-infected mice and stained and analyzed as in Fig 3. A,B. Quantification of the frequency and number of M2 (A) or M1-like (B) macrophages at 5 dpi. C,D. Quantification of the frequency (C) and number (D) of splenic M2 macrophages over time. E,F. Quantification of the frequency (E) and number (F) of splenic M1-like macrophages over time. G,H. Quantification of the frequency (G) and number (H) of splenic Tregs over time. Bars, mean ± SEM. N = 5–7 mice/infected group. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, two-way ANOVA with Fisher’s protected LSD. Data representative of 2 independent experiments. ● = type II, ■ = type III.