Public Library of Science
pone.0217842.g001.tif (779.48 kB)

MRI cell phantom.

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posted on 2019-06-06, 17:46 authored by Linshan Liu, Kobra Alizadeh, Sarah C. Donnelly, Praveen Dassanayake, Tian Tian Hou, Rebecca McGirr, R. Terry Thompson, Frank S. Prato, Neil Gelman, Lisa Hoffman, Donna E. Goldhawk

The diagram (A) and MR localizer images (B, C) indicate the sample layout within a plastic 9-cm spherical mold, filled with 4% gelatin/PBS. Four different samples, prepared from parental and MagA-expressing cells cultured in the presence (+Fe) and absence of iron supplementation, were inlaid in one hemisphere and arranged from left to right as follows: P19 (1), P19 + Fe (2), MagA (3), MagA + Fe (4). A plastic marker (black) indicates orientation of the samples. Images were acquired by 3T MRI [6]. In the sagittal view of the phantom (B), a yellow box indicates the 1.5 mm slice selected for image acquisition. A cross sectional view of the phantom (C) shows the alignment of sample wells.
