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Luciferase activity driven by the human pIII promoter in CAL-1 cells.

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posted on 2016-04-22, 06:26 authored by Ryosuke Miura, Kazumi Kasakura, Nobuhiro Nakano, Mutsuko Hara, Keiko Maeda, Ko Okumura, Hideoki Ogawa, Takuya Yashiro, Chiharu Nishiyama

A-C. Luciferase assays performed with various lengths of the human pIII promoters (A), the pIII promoters in the presence of PU.1 siRNA (open bar) or control siRNA (closed bar) (B), and the mutant promoters lacking Ets-motif(s) (C). Data represent means ± SEMs of three independent experiments. Each experiment was performed with triplicate samples. *, p < 0.05.
