Public Library of Science
pone.0255925.g008.tif (913.19 kB)

Loss of cbu0823 caused alterations in carbon flux through glycolysis and the TCA cycle in C. burnetii.

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posted on 2021-08-13, 17:35 authored by Janine Hofmann, Mebratu A. Bitew, Miku Kuba, David P. De Souza, Hayley J. Newton, Fiona M. Sansom

C. burnetii incubated with [13C]glucose supplemented ACCM-2 for 7 days before GC-MS analysis to determine 13C incorporated into the extracted metabolites. Mean label enrichment of each metabolite detected was compared between wildtype (black), 0823::Tn mutant (blue), and 0823::Tn pFLAG-CBU0823 complemented mutant (red) strains. Error bars represent standard deviation from five biological replicates. Metabolites with a significant difference between wildtype and the 0823::Tn mutant are shaded in yellow. Solid lines represent a single enzyme and dotted lines represent multiple enzymes. The blue line denotes the activity of CBU0823 as a ME. The green line denotes CBU1241 as an MDH. The orange line represents an unestablished conversion of pyruvate to lactate by an LDH-type reaction. PEP = phosphoenolpyruvic acid.
