Public Library of Science
pntd.0006083.g002.tif (294.62 kB)

Longitudinal analysis of anti-PGL-I Ig antibody levels.

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posted on 2017-12-11, 18:40 authored by Renate A. Richardus, Konrad van der Zwet, Anouk van Hooij, Louis Wilson, Linda Oskam, Roel Faber, Susan J. F. van den Eeden, David Pahan, Khorshed Alam, Jan Hendrik Richardus, Annemieke Geluk

Anti-PGL-I antibodies for all contacts of leprosy patients who developed leprosy during the study (A; n = 25) and contacts who remained free of leprosy disease (B; n = 199) and 4 contacts who developed MB leprosy (C; n = 4) were determined by ELISA using natural disaccharide of PGL-I linked to HSA (ND-O-HSA). Sera were tested at three follow-up time points; FU1: 2 years after intake, FU2: 4 years after intake, FU3: 6 years after intake. Optical density readings were performed at 450nm (OD450) and corrected for background levels. Anti-PGL-I Ab levels at the time point of leprosy diagnosis are indicated with black circles (A and C). The cut-off for positivity is indicated by the dashed horizontal lines.
