Public Library of Science
pone.0257257.g007.tif (222.6 kB)

Lon protease interacted with ObcA and ObcB.

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posted on 2021-09-15, 17:26 authored by Eunhye Goo, Ingyu Hwang

(A) The ObcA protein was pulled down from the total cell lysate of the wild type strain grown in the early stationary phase using anti-ObcB and anti-Lon antibodies in affinity pulldown experiments. Western blotting was performed using an anti-ObcA antibody to detect ObcA in the immunoprecipitated samples. * denote additional unidentified positive signals. (B) The ObcB protein was detected from the total cell lysate of the wild -ype strain grown in the early stationary phase using an anti-Lon antibody. Ma, Input, IP, and WB denote molecular markers, total lysate of the wild type, immunoprecipitation, and western blotting, respectively.
